Saturday, May 27, 2006

Tio Pepe Jerez de la Frontera - What a small world

Waktu nonton x-men tadi sore, satu keluarga Spanyol duduk di samping kita. Sambil nunggu preview, kita sempat ngobrol dengan si Bapak yang duduk disebelah suami. Mereka berasal dari Madrid tapi sudah tinggal di LA hampir 10 taun. Cerita dia aslinya dari Southern Spain. Ceritalah kita ke Bapak itu bahwa taun lalu kita jalan-jalan ke Selatan Spanyol ke daerah Andalusia. Si Bapak bilang lagi kalo dia asalnya dari Jerez de la Frontera. Ya langsung nyambung deh ngobrolnya karena kita sempet mengunjungi Jerez 2 hari. Cerita juga kita mengunjungi Bodega Tio Pepe di Jerez. 

Surprise: ternyata Tio Pepe, bodega yang kami kunjungi taun lalu itu milik keluarga si bapak ini. Si Bapak adalah generasi ke 5 dari Tio Pepe. Jadilah ngobrol ngalor ngidur soal sherry mereka dan Jerez. Dunia memang kecil.
Pouring Sherry 

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

San Francisco, May 2006

Why SF: to attend the 2006 Women Leader Conference.

Where we ate: breakfast and lunch were served during conference so we ate at the hotel. Fortunately, the food was not bad so I didn't feel so bumped out for not exploring new places to eat in SF. We went to the Slanted Door for our dinner on the first night of course. The next evening we decided to try Maya for Mexican food. Though I am not a big fun of Mexican food, I liked what I had that night. If I am in the city again, I wouldn't mind going back to this place. Haha.

What I remember: the first lady of California was on the same flight we took on the way to SF.

Slanted Door's caramelized tiger prawns with garlic, onions and chili sauce - a must-have dish.