Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Viceroy, Ubud, Bali

We were so pleased with our 5-night stay at this idyllic place. Staying at this hotel really made our vacation in Bali incredibly relaxing. We chose this place for its serene and tranquil atmosphere, in contrast to Kuta, Legian, or other locations that usually come with a lot of tourists and noises. The fact that it was a small property and not a chain hotel was a real plus. Its location couldn't have been more perfect. Nestled at Lembah valley, this small resort is surrounded by rainforest and rice paddies, a truly wonderful romantic gateway for those of us who enjoy absolute privacy and appreciate a quiet spot. 

Although it is located in a very private and serene setting, the hotel was also within easy reach of central Ubud. The Viceroy provides a free shuttle that took us back and forth from the town center per our own schedule. You gotta love that :-) The entire experience was extraordinary. The spa was soothing; the infinity pool was refreshing and peaceful; the views were magnificent. And the staff was tremendously friendly and helpful; they always greeted us by name. We were told that all 11 villas were occupied when we were there, but we hardly saw anyone. They served a great breakfast, which we never missed during our stay. Their lunch was not bad either. This place was truly an idyllic place for vacation! 

Some of delicious meals we really enjoyed ....

Bubur Ayam

Jln. Lanyahan, Br Nagi, Ubud, Bali 80571

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Ngiring Wedang, Traditional Bali Coffee

So after spending our morning in Bedugul enjoying the beautiful Lake Bratan and Ulun Danu Temple, we told Pak Webee that we wanted to have lunch at a spot that wouldn’t be too touristy and if possible a spot with a great view. He drove us up on a narrow road towards a ridge over looking lakes Buyan and Tamblingan. Along the way, we were wowed by the view of these two lakes beautifully framed by so much greenery and wild flowers. We breathed wonderfully fresh air and appreciated the quietness of the surrounding area. So serene. Even a group of monkeys seemed to enjoy it as well. They just sat quietly on the curb watching cars by.

Roasting Process

Pak Webee took us to a place called Ngiring Wedang Restaurant and Villa on the ridge in Munduk Village in North bali. The place was nice and clean, overlooking the wide valley of rice terraces opening to the ocean. According to Pak Webee, on a clear day you can see part of Mt Rinjani in Lombok. The food at the restaurant wasn’t bad, but the coffee was terrific! They serve simple Indonesian food and some limited western food. I don't remember what I ate, but I do remember the view. And my husband remembers the coffee! He usually adds plenty of milk and sugar to his coffee, but the coffee here was so good that he drank it without either. Clearly people come here to enjoy the view and the restaurant's home-made coffee. The restaurant roasts and grinds the coffee beans by hand using traditional equipment. Their coffee is picked from their own coffee plantation across the street from the restaurant. Talk about fresh coffee! It is not a big coffee roasting company so they roast their coffee daily in small batches. I am not a coffee drinker and only tasted a sip here and there. We bought their Arabica fresh bean for our coffee-drinker friends at home. And they liked the coffee very much.

Ngiring Wedang Restaurant & Villa
Munduk Village, North Bali
P: 0812-380-7010

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Kembang Goela, Jakarta

Tidak banyak yang berubah di Jakarta sejak saya mudik bulan Februari taun ini, kecuali kemacetan lalu lintasnya yang tambah parah. Kemacetannya menurut saya sudah gila-gilaan. Belum lagi kalau hujan, jarak yang seharusnya bisa ditempuh dalam waktu sepuluh menit, harus ditempuh dalam waktu hampir satu jam! Salut buat warga Jakarta yang kuat dan tabah menjalani kemacetan seperti ini setiap hari.

Untungnya kami tidak perlu terlalu sering berada di jalan, kecuali waktu ketemuan dengan
 Mbak Ria, Yola, Ratih dan Tia di Warung Pojok di Plaza Senayan dna untuk pergi makan. Bangkrutlah kalau makan 
di hotel terus. Anak-anakpun tampaknya senang saja tinggal di hotel karena mereka bisa berenang dan main kartu rame-rame. Hehe.setiap cakep ikut pulangkegiatan yang dilakukan tidak jauh dari berenang bareng dan main kartu. Kalau tidak main kartu atau berenang, ya leyeh-leyeh di lobby atau di kamar hotel dan coba restoran baru (maksudnya restoran yang belum pernah dicoba, bukan restorannya yang baru). 

Senin tanggal 19 November yang baru lalu kami sekeluarga mencoba makan siang di Kembang Goela, restoran yang menyediakan masakan peranakan Belanda dan Indonesia. Begitu memasuki restoran tercium bau wangi yang terpancar dari rangkaian besar bunga sedap malam segar diatas meja dekat pintu masuk. Mata langsung tertuju ke chandeliers di ruangan restoran berlangit-langit tinggi dan berjendela kaca besar. Kain-kain batik memenuhi bagian atas dinding restoran, meja kursinya berwarna gelap. Makanan yang ditawarkan dikemas dan disajikan secara elegan dengan cita rasa mendekati sempurna dan sederhana tanpa memakai bumbu yang complicated dan tidak terasa berlebihan. Konon seperti itulah masakan peranakan Indonesia-Belanda ini diramu dan disajikan di rumah para bangsawan dan keluarga Belanda pada jaman kolonial.

Kami betul-betul menikmati makan siang di Kembang Goela. Serasa  menikmati masakan di rumah bangsawan bergaya kolonial jaman baheula. Yang unik adalah penamaan makanan yang ditulis dengan menggunakan ejaan lama atau menggunakan figur yang mengingatkan jaman baheula. Dari bon makanan yang kami pesan tercatat antara lain: Es Peyeumpuan, Es Jangan Ditanya, Soda Pelangi, Ayam Mevrouw Lientje, Ongseng-ongseng Kecipir, Hot Plate Kangkoeng, Nasi Goreng Si Pitoeng, Tahu Sedap Malam dll. Yang paling saya suka siang itu adalah Dendeng Balado yang dagingnya diiris sangat sangat tipis hampir transparan dan Ikan Krapu Bakar. Oh Wedang Jahenya juga nikmat.

Kembang Goela
Plaza Sentral Parking Lot, Jl. Jend. Sudirman
Ph.: 021-520-5651