Sunday, March 4, 2012

Strawberry Sauce

When I bought a basked  of fresh strawberries at the farmers market yesterday, I was planning to make David Lebovitz'  version of vegan strawberry ice cream. I said his version because I don't have an ice cream maker and was thinking about making it more smoothie-like consistency beverage. But I was not in the mood for recipe experiment today so I decided to just whip the strawberry in a food processor. 

1 cup organic strawberries
1½ teaspoon raw, organic Chia seeds
1 pinch sea salt
coconut nectar (I used Coconut Secret brand)
soaked organic medjool dates (optional)
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice to taste
Process the strawberries until they are pureed. Add chia seeds, salt and coconut nectar. If the sauce is not sweet enough, add 2 or 3 medjool dates. Pour the sauce into a glass jar, add lemon juice to taste. Cover and chill in the refrigerator. Enjoy it on pancakes, waffles, french toast, ice cream or etc.

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